Daily Matches
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We host daily multiplayer matches where you can compete against each other with a maximum of 10 players and two teams.
In-game registration is required for a small fee. Matches take place daily at 19:00 CET, and you must register in advance for each match.
There are prizes to be won, each corresponding to the KDA for which you have also paid the fee.
Matches: Mondays - Prize Pool: 25000 PMD / Entry Fee: 1000 PMD Tuesdays - Prize Pool: 1000 KID / Entry Fee: 50 KID Wednesdays - Prize Pool: 2000 KLV / Entry Fee: 50 KLV Thursdays - Prize Pool: 10000 PMD / Entry Fee: 500 PMD Fridays - Prize Pool: 1000 KID / Entry Fee: 50 KID
The match password will be sent half an hour before the match. Minimum participants: 6